Tara Jade Nichols

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The Gemini Full Moon sheds light on seeing all potential possibilities. We have a decision to make, but first, we must see both viewpoints. Gemini asks that you gather as much information as needed to see all perspectives clearly. 

This native is quick-witted, yet indecisive, which keeps them in limbo and disempowered. Gemini often says what the other wants to hear rather than having authentic communication. They are less likely to speak out and more likely to censor their words. Keeping it superficial is one of the shadow aspects of Gemini.

The Moon opposing Mars brings in awareness of the truth. Our core belief systems are being called into question. What will it take to change your mind? In Sagittarius, Mars is defensive and comes across as self-righteous. He is unwilling to surrender to the fact that there are many paths to God and many different truths that could be right.

Saturn in Pisces, T-squaring the Moon, asks that you address the issue, rather than spiritually bypassing. Lord Karma, the lesson bringer, is pushing you to do the work by facing your fears and saying what needs to be said. The medicine is to stay mindfully open, both with your heart and head. 

The key to open communication is to speak from a place of love. We must have a healthy curiosity to understanding one another/s perspective. As we evolve, so do our beliefs. Let go of rigid ways of thinking that keep us unevolved.

 We are only SEEN, when we feel heard.


Tara Jade Nichols