Cancer Full Moon ~ The Cosmic Mother

We are feeling a deep need to pull inward from the Full Moon in Cancer. She embodies the Divine Mother tuning into her emotional state. The Cancer native seeks safety and security above all else. This can lead to not expressing her feelings in times of turmoil.

Reflecting on this past year, we take notice of when we haven’t voiced what needs to be said. Cancer rules the family, which is usually who triggers this wounding. She pulls back into the comfort of her ‘shell’ by shutting down the desire to share her feelings. This process begins a pattern of invalidating yourself.

She realizes vulnerability as a strength when communicating in relationships. It leads to the connection we so desire. It invites us to make a promise not to hold back when expressing our emotions. The medicine we seek is to be transparent with our feelings.

Jupiter in harmony with the Moon, supports us by valuing what we have to share. It allows for authenticity to deepen our relationships to SEE the other person. In Taurus, a stronger bond with family is built through healthy boundaries.

Saturn pouring blessings is fuel to do the work of unconditional love. How can we see each other in our highest expression? The lesson bringer, Saturn, gives stability to those who are lost or overwhelmed. He invites a coming together in unity consciousness to lift each other to the next level of our being.

Cancer echoes into the void of the Cosmic Mother, we are all one family. Humanity holds the key to the door of our awakening. The truth is that we are far more powerful than we could ever imagine. The thread that holds us together is the collective dream of creating our future. 


Tara Jade Nichols


Aquarius New Moon ~ Walking between Worlds
