TAURUS FULL MOON ECLIPSE ~ Proceed with Caution

The door to the unseen world closes causing major shifts in more areas than one. It is asking that we get our priorities together in order to live within our integrity. Our world has become full of distractions, thus creating instability at the core of our being.

Taurus invites us to come back to the physical body by grounding into the present moment. It is where ALL of our power lies, the place to reach our pure potential and manifestation. Stop living in the past or worrying about the future, all we have is NOW.

This Full Moon conjunct Jupiter invites us to reevaluate our once-held beliefs. Our values have been handed down by our ancestors who were living in survival mode, unable to do their ‘soul work’. The eclipse clears away the stuck energy holding us apart from that which we are becoming.

As the final eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio axis, we are being guided to let go of the shame and guilt embedded in our DNA. The work of the last seven generations is upon our shoulders. We signed up as spiritual warriors, embarking on the Age of Awakening. This begins by clearing the dormant programming passed down through humanity. 

An awareness is being brought into light from the subconscious. Mars and Mercury opposing the Moon give way to deep emotional revelations and unhealed traumas. Forgiveness is in order, for you and others. Our only path forward.

Proceed with caution, we were made for these times.


SCORPIO NEW MOON ~ Metamorphosis


Libra New Moon Eclipse ~ The Portal Door Opens