SCORPIO NEW MOON ~ Metamorphosis

The New Moon in Scorpio pulls us inward to reconnect with the Soul. We are at the threshold of new beginnings, but first, we must transmute the emotional karma of the past. This change asks that we recapitulate the trauma that has been stored in the body waiting to be processed. 

The stories of shame, blame, and victimization are being purged from our systems. Newly held boundaries are creating stability in all areas of life. By releasing our shadow, like the dragonfly, we are molting into a new reality. Collectively we are coming out from the emotional waters to spread our wings and fly.

The Great Change is upon us as we prepare for humanity’s final transformation. The emphasis of our Soul’s ‘work’ is to create more space for the light body. Scorpio’s medicine is to embrace the change, as nothing is in our control. The Ego is dying as a new form of consciousness is seeding the planet

Scorpio’s ancient ruler, Mars, magnifies the New Moon with a call to action. It is up to each individual to take ownership of their toxic habits that keep humanity playing small. 


Your body, mind, and emotional state are your responsibility. It affects the energetic frequency of the planet. If you don’t like what you see in the world, then change YOURSELF internally, we are a reflection of the external disharmony. 

Uranus opposing the Moon brings an awareness that Heaven and Hell coexist on the Earth plane.. Happiness is living from the heart with full trust in the unknown. Fear feeds the mind which causes dis-ease and constriction. YOU decide which dimensional reality you are living in through your personal perception.

We are at the ultimate stage of METAMORPHOSIS into heart consciousness. 




TAURUS FULL MOON ECLIPSE ~ Proceed with Caution